Contemporary Medical Acupuncture
Like its traditional Chinese counterpart, Contemporary Medical Acupuncture (CMA) is a method of treating a variety of ailments using a precise peripheral nerve stimulation technique. Adapted using modern day knowledge of physiology and anatomy, fine solid needles (acupuncture needles) are inserted into specific parts of the body and stimulated manually or sometimes with electricity to aid in treatment.
Contemporary Medical Acupuncture has been scientifically proven in the treatment of pain, sports injuries and inflammation reduction. There are dozens of health benefits for a variety of ailments from sciatica to headaches, but CMA also helps to improve blood flow, reduce stress reduction, release pain and improve nerve conduction.
Meet our Acupuncturists.
Frequently Asked Questions
What can acupuncture treat?
Acupuncture has proven to be successful in reducing stress, muscle tension and chronic pain. If the symptom is a result of an energy blockage within the body, acupuncture can encourage the body’s natural healing response.
Chinese Medicine Acupuncture treats a wide variety of ailments that do not have a clear western diagnosis, including internal health issues such as digestive problems and chronic disease. This is because we are working with a person’s energy, and their innate ability to heal. When we help the body restore and proper energy flow, the patient usually feels better, regardless of how complicated their symptoms are.
Does it hurt?
Acupuncture is virtually painless. The needles used are the thickness of a human hair, and very sharp. Sensitive people may feel a small prick but most do not. During the treatment you may experience sensations of mild tingling, heaviness, slight soreness or numbness along the areas being stimulated.
How does it work?
Acupuncture works by increasing blood flow and energy (ch’i) along specific points to help eliminate and treat disease and restore the natural balance of the body.
Are the needles sterilized?
New disposable needles are used for each acupuncture treatment. Most treatments require 4 – 8 needles to be inserted for a period of 15 – 20 minutes.
Is acupuncture covered by OHIP?
Many private health benefits provide coverage for acupuncture but presently there is no OHIP coverage.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture
Medical acupuncture (often practiced by chiropractors and physiotherapists) is often effectively used only to address musculoskeletal pain, whereas Chinese medicine acupuncture can address musculoskeletal, as well as internal health issues such as digestive problems, sleep problems, and chronic diseases such as diabetes etc.
We diagnose all conditions using Chinese medicine theory, such as the principle of Yin and Yang and five element theory to identify the body’s imbalances and treat accordingly.
How many treatments do I need before I start to see improvement?
What’s the difference between a Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac), Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner (R.TCMP)?
Both R.Ac’s and R.TCMP’s can perform acupuncture, cupping, and guasha based on Chinese Medicine diagnosis, but an R.TCMP can also prescribe Chinese Herbal Medicine.
Superfine, single-use, sterile needles are inserted into acupuncture points to restore proper energy and blood circulation to heal the mind and body. Needles are retained for 15-30 minutes while patient rests comfortably.
Acupuncture can treat: